Sunday, January 26, 2020

Why Did Boudiccas Revolt Fail?

Why Did Boudiccas Revolt Fail? I decided to research the question why did Boudiccas Revolt fail?; for my extended essay. I used primary and secondary sources. The books I used a range of sources from Roman era to the modern day historians. There was a period throughout history where they forgot about Boudicca this was the middle ages where roman history had waned at this point. My investigation scope was mainly limited to the military features but also considered political factors. The conclusions I arrived at in the End is that Boudiccas revolt failed, due to the military strength of the Romans full time army who trained everyday, the fact that Boudicca was against a undefeatable enemy, no matter how long she fought they would have always won even if meant sending reinforcements, and the final factor is that the Britons were given a false sense of security whilst dealing with the Romans as before the final battle the Romans had not considered her a threat worth dealing with so there was not much attention focused on her and her warriors. Introduction The Romans first invaded Britain under Julius Caesar in the year 55 BC; this however was unfortunate timing as the Roman battalions were called off to fight another war in Gaul at which point they didnt invade Britain extensively until AD 43 under the rule of Emperor Claudius whose general Aulus Plautius served as the first governor of Britain. The Roman army at the time had sent 40,000 men to take part in the initial invasion  [1]  . The Emperor not only sent foot soldiers but also sent Cavalry as well, many British tribes sought to make peace, for example the Trinovantes , while many went to war against Rome such as the Druids in Anglesey in Wales. These battles went on for many years and the Romans were never fully able to conquer Britain. The second contributing factor was Britain itself; at the time of the Roman invasion in 55BC Britain had already established economic and cultural trading patterns with Continental Europe. Boudicca one of the most revered women in history, l ed Britons in AD 61 to fight the Romans for their freedom. The key question for many historians is, why did Boudiccas revolt fail? In this essay I plan to give an answer of my own as to why the former mentioned happened. The Historical significance of this event is that a women who at the time were considered inferior, led the most significant rebellions against the biggest army the world has ever known. During the time of the rebellion the terrain of England would have been quite different than the one we have today it would have been practically all rural with only a few settlements every so often, until you reached Roman territory where the cities would have been built up. What makes Boudiccas revolt even more spectacular is that she managed two attack to main Roman cities, which no other Rebellion ever managed to do. Chapter 1 Boudiccas background Boudicca was born around 30AD, she lived in the Eastern side of Britain and was Queen of the Iceni, and her actual death is also shrouded in mystery. Tacitus states that she poisoned herself after her defeat at the army of Suetonius.  [2]  Dio Cassius relates that Boudicca fell ill and then died  [3]  . Wailing Street. Boudiccas revolt can be pinned back to the point of her husband, King Prasutagus death. Prasutages was able to claim Roman citizenship  [4]  , which allowed him to believe that once he died his Kingdom and its inheritors would be safe. Prasutages will, as Tacitus explains, split the Iceni territory in half, one-half for the Emperor Nero and the other for his daughters. This could be a reason as to why the Romans marched into the Iceni territory as they did. They did not see women as leader material so they believed that they could take the other half of the Iceni territory for themselves as they believed that with no male ruler it would descend into chaos. The Nobles of the land were evicted from their ancestral homes, and the Royals were treated like slaves. Boudicca was flogged while her two daughters were raped. Since she herself was not raped, David Braund suggests that she was an older woman  [5]  , which gives her rebellion from the Romans even more credit as this would have shocked the Romans even further since they believed that women were unable to fight, so an older woman leading a rebellion would be an alien concept to the Romans. This news would have quickly spread throughout the neighboring territories and would have led to even more resentment towards the Romans. Chapter 2 Roman Invasion of England Roman Occupation began in 43AD under the rule of Emperor Claudius; the Romans managed to take all of Britannia but were never able to take Caledonia. The reason for Romes invasion was to help Emperor Claudius secure his position in Rome as he faced opposition from the Senate. The reason for this was because the Army was the main artery of Rome and the army paid for themselves, war was very profitable. Roman culture reflected this as each leader needed to prove himself as an adept army commander, and for Claudius Britain was to be his military victory.  [6]  This was very different to the initial invasion by Julius Caesar, who planned to invade Britain for he believed that they were helping Gaul by supplying them with equipment. In late August 55 BC, 12,000 Roman soldiers landed about 6 miles from Dover. Caesar had planned to land in Dover itself, but had to change his plan as many Briton soldiers had gathered on the cliffs ready to fight off the invaders. Even so, the Britons fol lowed the Romans to their landing place and a fierce fight took place on the beach. The Romans were forced to fight in the water as the Britons stormed down the beach. Caesar was impressed with the fighting qualities of the Britons: The Romans were faced with serious problems. These dangers frightened our soldiers who were not used to battles of this kind, with the results that they do not show the same speed and enthusiasm as they usually did in battles on dry land.  [7]   However, the Romans fought off the Britons who withdrew. But it was clear to Caesar that the Britons were anything but a pushover and by the end of the year the Romans had withdrawn to Gaul. This invasion gave some breathing space for Gaul and they quickly revolted. This dragged and the Romans went into Gaul to crush the revolt. It is also clear that Britain was an afterthought due to three legions that had been destroyed in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest by rebellious German tribesmen in 9 AD, and the Emperor Augustus concluded that the empire was overextended and called a halt to new wars of conquest. This war was a war of Prestige which Rome did not want to lose. Chapter 3, The development of the Rebellion After the treatment of Boudicca and her daughters, resentment towards the Romans grew even greater as the people saw just how the Romans were willing to treat their apparent friends as before King Prasutagus death the Iceni tribe were friendly with the Romans. This would have allowed Boudicca to amass an army fairly easily, mainly due to the fact that many tribes already disliked Roman occupation and were looking for a reason to go to war with them. Boudicca went from tribe to tribe with her daughters explaining to tribal leaders that Rome had gone too far and they must take a stand to prevent them from going any further. As Tactitus also mentions Boudicea, with her daughters before her in a chariot, went up to tribe after tribe, protesting that it was indeed usual for Britons to fight under the leadership of women. But now, she said, it is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I am avenging lost freedom, my scourged body, the outraged chastity o f my daughters. Roman lust has gone so far that not our very persons, nor even age or virginity, are left unpolluted. But heaven is on the side of a righteous vengeance; a legion which dared to fight has perished; the rest are hiding themselves in their camp, or are thinking anxiously of flight. They will not sustain even the din and the shout of so many thousands, much less our charge and our blows. If you weigh well the strength of the armies, and the causes of the war, you will see that in this battle you must conquer or die. This is a womans resolve; as for men, they may live and be slaves.  [8]  This proved to the Britons that Boudicca was extremely serious about rebelling over Roman authority and she was confident that she would be able to successfully rebell against the Romans. She believed this to be possible if she could inspire the hearts and minds of all Britons. The reaction from the Romans during this inital uprising from Boudicca was minimal, it was unnoticed in Ro me as they had the worlds largest empire to control. This could be another possible reason as to why the inital stages of the Rebellion from Boudicca was so successful, but once the Romans took notice the tables were quickly turned. Chapter 4, The importance of Colchester and Londinium During Bouddicas revolt it was clear that Rome wasnt giving much oppostion  [9]  this would have encouraged her and her warriors to start making bigger attacks on Roman territory and this clearly happened. Boudicca laid siege on the capitol of Roman Britain Camalodunum (Colchester). This town however was mainly run by old Roman Veterans who would have unlikely been able to fight. This lack of manpower and the fact that this city was a main artery for Roman Britain gave the Iceni and Boudicca the incentivite to destroy it. The 9th legion attempted to save the city but was ambushed by Boudicca and only a few survived  [10]  . The Army of Kelts set fire to the temple (which marked the conquest by Emperor Claudicus over Roman Britain) which burned everyone inside alive. After this victory Boudicca moved on to Londinium (London), the Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus sent a few troops in time before Boudiccas very large army arrived, Tacitus then writes At first, he [Gaius Suetonius Paulinus] hesitated as to whether to stand and fight there [Londinium]. Eventually, his numerical inferiority and the price only too clearly paid by the divisional commanders rashness decided him to sacrifice the single city of Londinium to save the province as a whole. Unmoved by lamentations and appeals, Suetonius gave the signal for departure. The inhabitants were allowed to accompany him. But those who stayed because they were women, or old, or attached to the place, were slaughtered by the enemy. This shows that the Romans were not too desperate to defend their city and were willing to let the Iceni burn it to the ground, and allow the families to be slaughtered if they were unable to leave with the Romans. Following Tacitus description he then states that in retaliation for the burning of the city, the Romans slaughtered 70,000 Britons. Following this attack Bouddicas forces moved on to the city of Verulamium (St Albans) and destroyed it, through the two attacks on Londinium and Verulamium an estimated 70,000-80,000 were killed by Boudicca and her forces  [11]   Chapter 5, The military differences By the time the final battle occurred Boudicca had amassed an army of over 200,000  [12]  , however this number differs between certain historians. Tacitus reported that there were 100,000 Britons and Cassius Dio estimated 250,000. There were British sympathizers and family members standing behind Boudiccas warriors both historians do agree on this matter. The Britons brought their carts, and wagons were arrayed encircling the rear of the British position, forming a significant barrier to movement for the Britons when they needed to retreat  [13]  . The Romans on the other hand had a considerably smaller number of around 10,000  [14]  . Full time employed soldiers whose job was to fight, these men had an incredible amount of training and expertise and this would have come from the previous battles and wars throughout the previous centuries which allowed the Romans to perfect their battle formations and tactics. Whereas the Britons were mainly farmers and had little time to dedicate to learning how to fight successfully as a unit and as individuals, the Romans had mastered sword combat at an early age and every morning had a gruelling training session to constantly hone their skills. The Romans also did not have to worry about tending to their farms or families as the Britons did. According to Tacitus, Seutonius had a total of 10,000 including his 14th legion a vexillation of the 20th Legion, and auxiliaries. Other estimates put the Roman force at 7000-8000 legionaries and 4000 auxiliaries (including cavalry). Part of the Rom an armys training was a twenty Roman miles (18.4 miles) march (to be completed in five hours) carrying a full pack of weapons, shield, food rations, a cooking pot and a short spade, along with their personal kit.  [15]  This was then followed by heavy weapon carrying Roman soldiers who attended weapons training every morning. Roman soldiers practised hand-to-hand combat with wooden swords, spears and shields that were deliberately much heavier than those they used in battle. They trained with dummy swords and javelins made of wood.  [16]  The soldiers then practised Roman formations allowing them to work and move as one unit. The most formidable formation they used was the testudo (tortoise) in which the soldiers would bind together and lift their shields, interlocking them together. The soldiers in the back lines placed their shields over their heads to form a protective shell over the top of the men. The shields fitted so closely together that they formed one unbroken surf ace without any gaps between them. It has been said that it was so strong a formation that men could walk upon them, and even horses and chariots be driven over them. The Romans also used other formations such as The Wedge this was used to break enemy lines. This extreme training discipline compared to the lack of discipline in Boudiccas warriors gives the clear view that the Romans were going to win in the final battle. Although the Britons outnumbered the Romans greatly, the Britons were given a false sense of security . This was clear as Tacitus states that in the final battle all the Britons families had turned up to watch the Roman bloodbath. Up until the final battle, the Britons were constantly massacring the Romans, which included the 9th legion. This was due to the possibility that the Romans were not putting much effort into containing Boudicca because they did not see her as a threat; whereas the Druids in Anglesey and Gaul were bigger threats to the Roman power or their religion. Once Boudicca started attacking Roman towns and cities, the Generals of the region started to take notice and this was the turning point for Boudicca as the Romans started to put pressure and effort into removing Boudiccas threat from their land. However they lacked the superior discipline and tactics that won the Romans a decisive victory. However the chariots were exceptional. This description is how Julius Cae sar described the Britons chariot ability while during battle: Chariots are used like this. First of all, the charioteers drive all over the field hurling javelins. Generally, the horses and the noise of the wheels are enough to terrify the enemy and throw them into confusion, as soon as they have got through the cavalry, the warriors jump down from their chariots and fight on foot. Meanwhile, the charioteers then move away and place their chariots in such a way that the warriors can easily get back on them if they are hard pressed by the size of the enemy. So they combine the easy movement of cavalry with the staying power of foot soldiers. Regular practice makes them so skillful that they can control their horses at a full gallop, even on a steep slope. And they can stop and turn them in a moment. The warriors can then run along the chariot pole, stand on the yoke and get back into the chariot as quick as lightening.  [17]  while in truth by AD61 the chariot drivers were the r ich class and barely trained compared to the Roman charioteers. The main base of Boudiccas army was foot soldiers who were mainly poor peasants and were unable to spend most of their time training with swords and had to struggle to just make enough food to feed their families. In truth the army of Boudiccas while great in numbers was unable to fight as proved in their final battle agaisnt the Romans who were outnumbered 20 to 1. Chapter 6, Strategy and tactics Up until the final battle, which no one knows the place of, Boudicca and her warriors were easily defeating the Roman attempts to stop them. For example the ninth legion in the burning of Colchester. This was partly because Boudiccas battles happened when Suetonius Paulinus, the Governor of Rome, was away fighting the Druids in Anglesey, North Wales. This meant that the Romans who were left behind did not have a leader to tell them what to do. However, this was soon to change as General Suetonius Paulinus once hearing of the Iceni revolt came back to England and this was the turning point for Boudicca as the Romans quickly turned the tables. The battleground as previously stated is unknown but Tacitus wrote a position with a wood behind him (General Suetonius). This would have placed the Romans at the top of some sort of hill, which would have been in keeping with the standard Roman tactics. With the wood behind them, the Romans would have channelled the Britons so the Romans would o nly have to face Britons on one side. Behind the Britons was their family, as they had expected a Roman massacre, behind them was the bounty they had amassed from their previous raids. The Celts were very high on enthusiasm, people were shouting and music was playing everyone was enjoying the atmosphere. The Romans expectation towards this battle would have been very different. The Romans rallied around their commander, who delivered his speech convincing them that the battle could be won. Boudicca gave a final speech, and then the Celts charged towards the Romans.  [18]   The outcome was that out of 10,000 Romans only 400 were killed and all of Boudiccas warriors were killed, including their families and most of the Iceni tribe. Those who managed to survive and escape moved to Norfolk where the Romans kept a close eye on them. Boudicca was said to have poisoned herself after the battle had been lost to avoid Roman capture, however there is no mention of what happened to her daughters as they seem to have vanished from the history books. Tacitus says nothing of her burial. There is a story that she was buried at Stonehenge and its legendary circle of stones were set up by the Druids to mark her tomb. However there is no solid historical evidence over this period and it is most probably a myth. Conclusion In conclusion, the reason Boudicca lost against the Romans in her final revolt was due to a simple reason. Boudicca was up against the most formidable army the world has ever seen, and the Romans were never going to allow Boudicca to disgrace them and allow her to get away with it. Even if Boudicca had managed to defeat the Romans in her final battle it is most probable that the Romans would have sent reinforcements into Britain to wipe her off the face of the map. This was the key reason as to why Boudiccas revolt failed: Boudicca had set herself an unachievable goal and she was never going to come out on top, no matter what the outcome of her final battle was going to be.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Elizabethan society Essay

At the end of the novel there can be seen to be a change of attitude of society towards Grenouille. Due to his amazing gift, Grenouille is able to create a scent that powerfully manipulates human emotion through preserving the aroma of the 25 virgin girls. At Grenouille’s execution he reveals this scent and the whole town is overwhelmed by emotion. It is at this point in time that the townsfolk admire Grenouille’s gift and because of their state of delirium, disregard Grenouille’s crimes. It is here when Grenouille can be seen to be accepted into society. However, regardless of this Grenouille still perceives himself as an outsider. Grenouille believes that he is not loved for himself but for the perfume he created, he states; â€Å"I have always found gratification in hatred, in hating and being hated, not love. † He then decides to return to Paris upon finding that the satisfaction that he initially felt has transformed itself into self-hatred and disgust. In comparison to Othello the novel Perfume can be seen to be both similar and different in their representations of the Outsider. Like Grenouille, Othello is seen as an outsider because of his background. He is outcaste because of his race and his differing values due to past experiences. Grenouille can be seen to reflect this idea, as he is an outsider initially because of his background that challenges the norm of society at the time the novel was set. Another similarity that can be made between these two texts is that the perception of the outsider is perceived from society and also from within the outsider itself. Othello, even though quite underestimating at times, believes that he is inferior to the Venetians, he states; â€Å"Happily for I am black and do not possess the soft parts of conversation chamberers have†. Grenouille also perceives himself as an outsider and is aware of the unwelcoming presence he bestows upon others. The fact that Grenouille devotes his life to creating a scent that will make him accepted and valued in society shows how he is aware if this. Another likeness between Othello and Grenouille is that both characters share a differing attitude to women that makes them outsiders in society. They are both somewhat oblivious to women as a sexual commodity, or do not show the affiliation to what would be expected of them. Othello shows an unusually lack of affection or infatuation towards his wife Desdemona. Othello has just been married to a young, and beautiful woman but does not seem to be besotted with her at all. This can be compared to Grenouille’s differing attitude to women. Although Grenouille does not have a rightful relationship towards the women he comes across, he is still obsessed with them, unlike Othello. The way Grenouille expresses this obsession or feeling, however, is still different to what would be expected of most adolescent men. Grenouille is not attracted physically to the women but is enthralled by them because of their scent. Grenouille can also be compared to Iago in the play Othello, as both are dismissive towards the values and ideologies of their context. Loyalty, love, reputation and honesty were all values of great importance in Elizabethan society. Iago’s actions, however, derive from hate, vengeance and deceit. Yet Iago is still considered an insider in Venice and only chooses to disregard the values of society. Grenouille on the other hand is completely isolated from society and struggles for any kind of acceptance. His brutal actions that go against the values of 18th century France may be partially influenced by the fact that he was not introduced to the morals of society in the first place, due to this isolation. Grenouille, having seen no human affection or experienced any of the values we inherit from human interaction such as love and compassion, find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong in his actions. Another text that has enhanced my understanding of how the concept of the outsider can be portrayed is the short film â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy†. The film was produced in 2006 for the annual Australian tropfest short film festival. It was directed by Sean Ashcroft, produced by Kristy Fransen and stars Andrew Supanz. â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy† is a film about a man named â€Å"Bubbleboy† who is trapped in the past and redeemed by the future. Bubbleboy is a sad outsider who lives alone due to a fanatic phobia of pointed and sharp objects. He is so afraid that he results to wrapping everything, including himself, in bubble-wrap. He never ventures from his house because the outside world is too terrifying and he cannot comprehend his fears. The film tells the story of his self-imposed exile from the world and how one day, driven by dwindling supplies he ventures out. Bubbleboy, while growing more confident as his adventure draws to an end, is ironically stabbed in an ally way. However, having been stripped from his protective bubbles in his last moments, Bubbleboy finds salvation and feels connected with the world. Because of Bubbleboy’s fear and self imposed isolation, he is regarded as an outsider by society. He completely avoids human contact and is scorned by the community. Bubbleboy longs for belonging but cannot comprehend his fears. A particular scene in the novel that conveys this idea is the beginning segment where we are introduced to Bubbleboy’s way of life and how it differs greatly from that of society. Here, filming techniques are used to show that Bubbleboy is an outsider. A flashing mirage of everyday â€Å"pointy† items is shown while a narrator explains Bubbleboy’s situation. There is then a long shot of Bubbleboy wrapped from head to toe in bubble-wrap huddling in a corner of his home. This initiates the idea that he is definitely an outsider and is uncomfortable with his surroundings. Close-ups are used to show the trepidation on Bubbleboy’s face to emphasize this point. A panning shot is then used to show how every household item has been covered in bubble-wrap, emphasizing the intensity of the problem. A birds eye view is also used here of Bubbleboy moving uncomfortably through his home; this suggests that he is a victim and is clearly suffering from his phobia. To show how Bubbleboy’s fears cause him to be perceived as an outsider by the community is the use of dramatic contrast between the outside world and his own. A view from the inside of the house looking out into the street brings a striking contrast of lively colors. When this is compared to the insides of Bubbleboy’s house, which is mostly colored in grays, the fact that he is an outsider is emphasized. Two young girls ride past the house and stop mocking Bubbleboy’s strange appearance from the window. Bubble boy then shuts his curtain and disappears. The use of the window here also symbolizes the physical barrier between himself and society. Contrast is used in a further scene in the film when illustrating the differences of Bubbleboy’s lifestyle to that of people his own age. Here, Bubbleboy is seen looking longingly into the window of a house where a lively and entertaining dinner party is taking place. A camera angle is used to show how Bubbleboy is looking up into the scene creating a sense of his inferiority and isolation. There are then a series of flashing images back and forth between the vibrant and colorful party life, with Bubbleboy’s lonesome isolation, again reinforcing this idea. When Bubbleboy finally faces his fears and leaves the house, more techniques are used to show how new and trepidating this is for him due to his experience as an outsider. For example when he opens the door into the outside world, a blinding and foggy light is emitted suggesting the unknown. Once outside the house, Bubbleboy again contrasts greatly with his surroundings as his general appearance is confronting and obviously very odd. Close-ups are used to show the looks of mockery and confusion on the towns people’s faces to convey this idea. The attitudes’ towards Bubbleboy as an outsider may be seen to change towards the end of the film. When he is ironically stabbed on his way home from his healing journey his is stripped of his bubble-wrap protection. It is here when society can accept him as his true self is revealed. This is shown by a woman rushing to the aid of injured Bubbleboy, truly concerned for his wellbeing. Bubbleboy’s perceptions of himself as an outsider can also be seen to change. A narrator’s voice is used to explain that at that point, Bubbleboy finds salvation, and for the first time feels connected to the world once outside his shell. There are not many similarities to the play Othello as the short film is such a vastly different text. Though it is clear that both characters; Bubbleboy and Othello are perceived as outsiders by society. However, it is Othello’s unforeseen and irrational actions that confirm his status as an outsider. While it is Bubbleboy’s out of the ordinary actions that enable him to be accepted into society. Also, Bubbleboy is portrayed to be a victim of the imposing views of society, as he is a lonely and lost character, but on the other hand Othello victimizes society itself when he undergoes the actions that make him an outsider. Evidently, the three texts; â€Å"Othello†, â€Å"Perfume† and â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy† have all increased my understanding of the outsider as they illustrate a vast use of techniques and concepts that make a person an outsider in society.

Friday, January 10, 2020

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Should Hpv Vaccines Be Mandatory - 1513 Words

Josie Caskey Honors Rhetoric Dr. Margaret Murray 20 April 2015 Should HPV Vaccines Be Mandatory? The debate over the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines represents two very controversial topics in healthcare in America, mandatory vaccination and teenage sexuality. Currently the two approved vaccines, Gardasil and Ceravix, are designed to protect against the sexually transmitted virus HPV. Because these vaccines have their greatest benefit when given before a person becomes sexually active, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommends they are to be administered at age 12 (Colgrove). The arguments both for and against the vaccine are embedded with ethical and economic issues. From a public health perspective, mandating this vaccine is important in reducing communicable disease through mass immunization. However, parents question the issues of morality. Should HPV vaccination be mandatory, and if so, to whom? HPV is the number one sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States, and anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting the virus. HPV is transmitted through intimate skin-to-skin contact with someone who has the virus, and it is so common that most all sexually active men and women encounter a strain without ever knowing they’re infected (CDC). There are many strains of the HPV virus, some of which don’t cause cervical cancer. To help understand and classify the types of HPV, the terms low-risk and high-risk HPV are used. SomeShow MoreRelatedHpv Vaccine Should Be Mandatory1684 Words   |  7 PagesHPV is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 50 percent of all sexually active men and women will get it at some point in their lives, and 20 million already have it. A vaccine is available that prevents 70% of cervical cancers that arise from sexual intercourse. The human papillomavirus is unknowingly common and is diagnosed in 10,000 women a year, causing 4,000 deaths per ye ar (â€Å"HPV Question and Answers†)Read MoreHPV: The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infection Essay1539 Words   |  7 Pagestransmitted infection (STI) is human papillomavirus (HPV) (CDC, 2013). Over half of sexually activity people will become infected with HPV at some point in their lifetime (National Cancer Institute, 2012). HPV can fall into two categories: low-risk HPV and high-risk HPV (National Cancer Institute, 2012). Low-risk HPV, also known as HPV types 6 and 11, cause about 90% of genital warts (National Cancer Institute, 2012). High-risk HPV, also known as HPV types 16 and 18, causes about 70% of cervical cancerRead MoreThe Human Papillomavirus ( Hpv )1266 Words   |  6 PagesThe Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease (STD), is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States with about 14 million cases each year. There are two different types of HPV: low-risk and high-risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), â€Å"more than 90 percent and 80 percent, respectively, of sexually active men and women will be infected with at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives. Around one-half of these infectionsRead MoreHuman Papillomavirus ( Hpv )763 Words   |  4 Pages1. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of around 150 viruses. Some HPV types can lead to wart formation and other types can lead to cancer; primarily cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, and Oropharyngeal cancer (1,2) 2. HPV is so common that one out of four people (~80 million) are currently infected in the US. Around 14 million people, teens and adults, become infected with HPV every year. (1,2) 3. HPV can be obtained through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. (2)Read MoreHuman Papillomavirus ( Hpv ) Vaccine Essay1229 Words   |  5 PagesPapillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine My niece is 11 years old and my sister-in-law is being pressured from doctors, friends, and even the news media to give her a certain type of vaccination called HPV, Gardasil being the most common. At the end of our conversation, she mentions that at least she has a choice and turned to me, saying you may not have a choice when your kids are that age. I was stunned and she goes on to tell me how the government is trying very hard to make this particular vaccination mandatory. UponRead MorePreventing Cervical Cancer with the HPV Vaccination652 Words   |  3 PagesHPV vaccination is the most common used method for preventing cervical cancer in young girls ranging from age nine to eleven years old. The overall perception of the vaccine is positive by the public because of its wide use and support by state laws, school systems and medical associations. According to the American Pediatric Association the vaccine has an excellent safety record. (Nirvi,1) A reasonable amount of parents still feel skeptical about mandatory HPV vaccination on their kids and lackRead MoreIntroduction. The Very Controversial Issue Being Discussed956 Words   |  4 Pagesvery controversial issue being discussed in this debate is the question should vaccinations such as HPV be mandated for teenage girls? Two different views are offered. This controversy began when the issue was introduced to the real world in 2006. The FDA announced a prophylactic vaccine against 4 strains of HPV. Most importantly is the fact that this vaccination has about a 70% protection against cervical cancers linked to HPV. More CDC recommends routine vaccination for 11-12-year-old girls. ItRead MoreIntroduction:. Hpv Vaccinations Have Been An Ongoing Debate1033 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: HPV vaccinations have been an ongoing debate; whether the vaccine is worth being administered to young girls is the fundamental question and if so at what cost. The primary reason I selected this topic is that HPV is a common virus complicated and often misunderstood infection; nearly 80 million people, about one in four are currently infected in the United States. Background: HPV is a class of more than 150 related viruses. Each HPV virus in this vast body receives a number whichRead MoreThe HVP Vaccine: Analysis Essay799 Words   |  4 Pagescentury, making it mandatory to receive Hep A and Hep B along with the other countless vaccines; however there is one that has been tried to make mandatory among girls, and it’s the HPV vaccine that is used to prevenet cervial cancer. In order to illuminate the public on the subject, two writers, health advocate Mike Adams and journalist Arthur Allen, discuss the key points on the vaccine. While both adams and allen have clearly pronounced distinct opnions on the legislation of the vaccine, both come toRead MoreThe HPV Debate Essay699 Words   |  3 PagesCervical cancer is met with a vaccine with both pros and cons to suppress and annihilate it indefinitely. Although both Mike Adams and Arthur Allen inform the audience of the HPV vaccine, Adams vigorously argues, without evidence, that the vaccine is danger ous to humans while Allen is more sedate and discusses opposing sides to the vaccine. The HPV vaccine has its pros and cons to people that it has created debates to come down to the conclusion of a better solution for the drug companies and the